Lots of organizations and individuals teach swimming lessons. And you can pay less than you will pay at SwimAmerica. We don't teach lessons. We teach PEOPLE HOW TO SWIM. So what do you want to purchase? Swim lessons or having you or your swimmer learn to swim?
SwimAmerica Programs are all taught by members of the American Swimming Coaches Association who are certified in the teaching of swimming and experts in the proper development of stroke technique. We're the best in the world. Do you or your swimmer deserve less than the best? You'll find two critically important features in SwimAmerica Learn to Swim...
- First, we're technique oriented. We teach our swimmers to swim like a pro with expert technique from the very first day in the water. They'll start with learning how to exhale underwater... and progress through every skill that an Olympic Swimmer will learn when they learned to swim.
- Second, we're goal-directed. Our coaches (in-water instructors) focus on the critical skills to achieve to move your swimmer through the teaching progression as rapidly as they can do so. All learning is individually based... your swimmer will learn as fast as they are able to do so, no waiting for those "slower in development." That's crucial when your swimmers safety is at stake. SwimAmerica is run by the pros. And your swimmers progress will prove it!